KinoKlub Aplikácia zadarmo
KinoKlub Aplikácia zadarmo

Súčasná poľská animácia – festival O!PLA 2019

O!PLA – Festival poľskej animácie (Polska Animacja) je nezávislý kultúrny projekt, ktorého siedmy ročník sa konal v takmer stovke poľských mestách. Výber najlepších filmov z festivalu sa teraz dostáva aj za hranice. Diváci môžu spoznať súčasnú poľskú animáciu pre dospelých, súčasťou programu budú filmy profesionálnych štúdií, nezávislých animátorov, absolventské i experimentálne filmy.

dir. Valeria Molchanova
Bronze Award in the Student Category
Wake up, eat breakfast, go to work, work, return from work, "relax" with beer, sleep ... And every day do the same. The routine is slowly becoming the main character's life...

dir. Mariusz Włodarski
Award in the Independent Category
Once upon a time, an unexpected guest came to the house of an earthworm…

dir. Maciej Buchwald
Bronze Award in the Animated Music Videos Category
"Where is the tiger?" – this question constantly accompanies the human character of this music video...

dir. Piotr Baranowski
Bronze Award in the Animated Epigrams Category
Animated epigram on the new technologies and their impact on interpersonal relations...

dir. kinoMANUAL (Aga Jarząb, Maciek Bączyk)
The title of the film refers to, on the one hand, the tradition of numbering subsequent graphic prints, and on the other, the fact that the movie sequence was drawn on "25 frames per second". Each subsequent drawing looks similar to the previous one, like copies of the same pattern; in fact, they are only different in the details. Their meaning is conveyed only through motion. Each drawing consists of a huge number of micro-actions that can be viewed infinite times, searching for the new sound and image interaction. So a looped sequence that lasts only one second, can extend to an unlimited length, depending on the viewer's perception. The soundtrack is a combination of field recording (mainly, our private home audiosphere) and electronic sounds produced with a Synthi AKS synthesizer.

dir. Joanna Polak
Silver Award in the Professional Category
Have you ever wondered what live would be in a world made of wool? In Woolworld, people, animals and everything that surrounds them is made of wool and all is closely tied together. The only person capable of making sure that Woolworld functions smoothly is Mr. Wooly. He is, however, old and tired and he wants his life to change. Unfortunately... his wish gets granted.

dir. Ewa Drzewicka
Silver Award in the Student’s Category
Life in Krakow goes slowly. Pigeons fly, and the lady with the Krakow’s pretzels waits for the hungry tourists. HE watches over the security of the city, but the danger is hanging in the air.

dir. Paweł Kleszczewski & Katarzyna Zimnoch
Silver Award in the Independent Category
In the Beginning there was nothing but endless sea. On this sea in the boat, God was sailing. One day from his reflection, out of sea depths devil emerged. After that they started to create the world together, quickly falling into conflict, which goes on to this day. “The Creation” is the first animation depicting Slavic creation myth. Screenplay was based on folk stories as well as on reconstructions of prominent historians and culture researchers. The film was made by the team of two person, in the painting on glass animation technique.

dir. Aleksandra Lekszycka
Silver Award in the Animated Music Videos Category
The constant internal struggle of intellect, feelings and instinct...

dir. Jakub Rybak
Silver Award in the Animated Epigrams Category
Animated epigram about the rhythm and its lack...

dir. Natalia Spychała
Silver Award in the Experimental Animation Category
Film made in stop-motion technique, with threads on vaseline and glass. The author was interested in the impression of combining, binding all the parts appearing in the film, as well as basing the content of the film on the properties resulting from its form. The protagonist of the film is a fragmentarily appearing figure, which is inseparably connected with space and various objects. The interaction of all these elements creates a system of dependencies - a closed cycle of related events.

dir. Kamil Wójcik
Golden Award in the Independent Category
When the non-trade Sunday comes inexorably, everywhere around you can see the happy families pushing through the parks. While the galleries and shops are closed, some people are going through a nightmare. Closed in four walls, overwhelmed with rushing thoughts, they fight for survival. When work seems to be a moment of respite, then a day off becomes a tragedy. The film is a reaction to the enactment of the non-trade Sundays in Poland in 2018.

dir. Łukasz Rusinek
Golden Award in the Animated Music Videos Category
A young man motorcycle is spoiled in the middle of the forest. Unexpectedly, three young women appear nearby. The man decides to move in their direction…

dir. Bartosz Zarzycki
Golden Award in the Animated Epigrams Category
Animated epigram about a mammal, fish and bird…

YEAR (org. ROK)
dir. Małgorzata Bosek-Serafińska
Golden Award in the Experimental Animation Category
This work is an intimate journal created by two persons and covers almost six years of their live. One person provided a daily package of cigarettes smoked by himself that day and the other one covered them with a ready-made "graphic-painting matter", that is paper souvenirs - waste of everyday life. A film dedicated to the memory of Marek Serafiński, an outstanding creator and producer of Polish animation.

Tento film nemá naplánované žiadne premietania.