KinoKlub Aplikácia zadarmo
KinoKlub Aplikácia zadarmo

Land of Warm Waters

r. Igor Buharov, Ivan Buharov|Maďarsko, Slovenská republika|2021|1h 22m

Can a person be changed into a cactus? How far can human consciousness be expanded? Each of the film’s protagonists seeks their own path through the labyrinths of an apostate world to reach new and different lifeforms via alternative channels in an attempt to resolve the intolerability of their existence. Whether through psychopharmacology, mind expansion or ayahuasca, these methods help them to break away from the hierarchical value system and liberate their self-consciousness from oppression. They finally become attuned to the new revolution through the teachings and mentoring of plants. The story not only symbolizes the hopelessness of our world convulsing in the crossfire of opposing ideologies, but also points to a more hopeful future where green anarchism enables humanity can look ahead to a brighter destiny. The Buharovs, as the harbingers of a supra-human world, blend their instinctive cosmos with a kind of quiet poetry to lead the viewer into the Land of Warm Waters and onwards to new dimensions of storytelling.

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